algae eaters (plecostamos) dying

Jan 23, 2006
I have a 55 gal. tank that has been up for about 5 years, in it I have 3 coy one of which has been in there since the beginning, two for about 2 years and two algae eaters for about 2 months. On Fri morning one algae eater started acting funny, he was lying on his back not moving. Within about 1 hour the other started doing the same thing. They will move every now and then, swim around weakly then lay on their back again. This happened to the last one I had in there too, he died. Can anyone tell me whats up?

Jan 23, 2006
I have no testing equiptment. I never new that there was so much to tank upkeep, until reading this site tonight. As I said I've had this tank over 5 years, I've changed the water ONCE!! I have gravel in the bottom and its clean!! My big koi Elvis (hes the king) roots in the gravel, picks it up, carries it around in his mouth then spits it out. My water is clear, some minor algae from time to time.
I guess I better keep reading, and get some test equiptment, and properly care for my tank, if I want anything other than Elvis


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
How large are the koi? They aren't aquarium fish -- reaching up to 3' or so if properly kept. A 55 really isn't recommended for even 1.

Definitely test the water -- ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. You're likely losing the plecos to poor water quality. What species of plec are you trying to keep?

Jan 19, 2006
I think if one of your koi is 5 y.o. it must be very big and you have 3 so they waste alot of amonia like goldfish. your plecos are probably drawning in amonia, i would check your water do more freaquent water changes + better filtration but that is just me. good luck with them....*SUNSMILE*


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I agree. Koi are not aquarium fish. Koi tend to be very messy fish and Plecos can not handle a messy tank. What probably killed the plecos is the ammonia that the waste (food and/or feces) from the Koi. Sorry about you loss.


Small Fish
Jan 18, 2006
I have 3 goldfish about 2-3" and a pleco in a 35-40 gallon tank do you all think this is safe? I just started my tank about 3 month ago, its hard to tell how everything is going. My tank levels are good and the Goldfish is good, but I'm not sure if my pleco is safe, he usually in hiding.

Jan 23, 2006
The 2 younger koi are fancy tails, their bodies excluding tails are about 6 to 8 inches. Elvis is a plain white one about 11 or 12 inches. When I got Elvis I thought he was a gold fish until a friend who has a fosh pond with breeding koi gave me the 2 fancy tails. I discovered they look just alike except for the tails.
I have a farm pond, I think when it warms up I will release the fancies in it, but I'm kind of attatched to Elvis. So its either find a tank solution or get a fish pond.


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
I agree about the ammonia. Plecs are also very sensitive about Nitrites, so if you have either or both in your tank, it's quite fatal to them.
I was also wondering: Are you feeding the Plecos with sinking disks, or just allowing them to eat the algae? They could also be starving if you're not.
I'm sorry for your loss :( Good luck with your Koi.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
You have to be very careful when combining plecos and goldfish. As they grow older, many plecos will attack goldfish (while they're sleeping especially) or nibble on their slime coat. There are plenty of goldfish keepers who have horror stories about plecs and their goldies.

Stump - your stocking sounds ok. Goldfish benefit from heavy filtration so you may want to pop a second filter on that tank as they grow.

Sea - Definitely test your water and be sure to test and perform water changes on a regular schedule -- your fish will really blossom if you do. So you have one koi and two fancy goldfish? Comets? or butterfly koi? Koi have barbels (little whiskers on the sides of their mouths) Goldfish do not. If your farm pond is not attached in any way with a stream or other water, you can release the fish once the water gets warmer; if there's ANY WAY for the fish to escape that pond, it is illegal to do so in just about any municipality on the US not to mention terribly unethical. Elvis would do best with a pond. ;)

Jan 23, 2006
All three are koi, they have the barbels, two are colorful with big tails, Elvis is white or platinum colored with a plain tail. I dont know the type of plecos, there black.
Thanks for the info on the pond, I wasnt aware of that, but its in the middle of a field so I'll be able to visit them.