Algae in 55 gallon?

Feb 5, 2009
In my 55 planted aquarium, I have had some algae. One type is these long strands coming from my cabomba. It almost looks like the silk strands from corn on the cob. Another kind I have is on the glass of the tank. It's white and is probably about a couple centimeters big. It's like a fan and kinda waves around in the current. Does anyone know what these are and how to get rid of them?


Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
I have no experience with planted tanks but when I get a little algae now and then I brush it off and let the filter get it. You may want to brush it and then try to catch it with a net or something.

Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
I'd net it out or suck it out with a vacuum. A lot of people worry about algae but it only becomes a problem if its out of control. I hear a lot about algae in planted tanks though I've never kept one. I'd say reduce lighting but you have plants to worry for now just try to remove it.


Small Fish
Apr 3, 2009
White doesn't sound like algae to me. It sounds like some kind of film or buildup (probably not anything toxic like a fungus unless it grows on your fish too, but I couldn't say for sure). Mostly the "fan" structure is probably just aquarium scum or an odd kind of algae I have never heard of, and yeah, it could just be wiped off. People seem to think that algae in a tank is a bad thing, but a huge portion of the oxygen on our oceans is created by photosynthesizing algae, so it will perform the same functions in your tank. But I understand that visible algae can be annoying. If you MUST get rid of it, I would definitely not recommend algaecides or other chemicals to get rid of it. I don't know for sure if they could hurt your plants but I wouldn't risk it, and I personally try to refrain from adding any chemicals to my tank. Good luck!

Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
its not algae? I never even considered that so I guess that is some more homework for me to do. Does fungus grow from plants and glass?
Do you have any pics of this?

Does it look like this
If so the person said they successfully removed it with a 50% water change but I don't know how reliable that information is.

Hopefully someone with knowledge on aquatic plants can help you identify/treat it. They probaly didn't even read your post unfortunately and you may have better success starting a new thread in the aquatic plant section. (They are more likely to see it)

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Small Fish
Apr 3, 2009
I'm not saying it can't be algae, I'm just saying that I've never seen algae that is white and fan shaped. To me it just sounds like some aquarium scum.