Hi all- I have a 5-gal hex tank with a bio-wheel filter for my betta. It's got stone gravel and a live plant in it. I keep the temp steady at 79 degrees. Over the last couple of weeks I've had a horrible algae problem. The rocks are getting covered with it and twice I've had to scrub the side of the inside of the tank. I've done partial water changes, but then it goes back to the way it was. I saw a bunch of different things at the LFS to treat the tank with, but wanted to come here and get your opinions on what would be the best thing for me to do. I just tested the water params and ammonia and nitrites are at 0; nitrates are at 5ppm. The tank uses a fluorescent light, and the tank sits on my desk at work; I would say moderately exposed to outside light from a nearby window. Is this something I should take care of by adding a chemical of some sort to the tank, or would getting a few small algae eaters do the trick? (as you can tell, I'm still new to all this!) Thanks!