Recently I was having aproblem with cloudy water. I thought it was a bacteria bloom due to an overly aggressive cleaning I performed a couple weeks ago. The difference was that the water was not white cloudy but rather it had a greenish color to it.
I let it go for a week or two but finally got tired of the green cloudy water. So I go to my LFS and buy this stuff "AlgaeFix" and put the required amount in both my 30 gal tank and my daughter's 7 gal. Within a couple hours all the water was crystal clear! The filters however were saturated with all the algea and required cleaning . . . but hey the water has never looked better!
I would recommend this product to anyone with a similar problem. Have any of you out there had any experience with this or similar products??
I let it go for a week or two but finally got tired of the green cloudy water. So I go to my LFS and buy this stuff "AlgaeFix" and put the required amount in both my 30 gal tank and my daughter's 7 gal. Within a couple hours all the water was crystal clear! The filters however were saturated with all the algea and required cleaning . . . but hey the water has never looked better!
I would recommend this product to anyone with a similar problem. Have any of you out there had any experience with this or similar products??