algae problem- 10g tank has only been running for a week?!


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
ok in my 10 gallon, wich has only been running for barely a week, has a BIG algae problem and it's growing FAST! It was fine 4 days ago, but in the last 3 days it's gotten really, really bad- but the weird thing is it's only on 1/2 of the tank? And its the side with the light on it? Confusing... I was considering switching my oto into my 10g from my 20g, but when I bought him (or her) 4/5 otos died. So I don't want to lose him too. And I'm not planning on adding any stupid snails of mine. I don't want 2 infestations !
I've never had such fast-growing algae in this tank (or any tank!). There's some brownish algae, some kinda stringy stuff on the gravel, and just the normal algae on the glass- sorry, I don't know my algaes :p

I've had my 20 running since late july or early august, with zero algae problems. Sure, there's the occasional algae on the glass but not like this in my 10g!

Stupid algae :(

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
New tanks often experience huge algae problems. The algae problem might persist for up to a year. I have had my tank for 9 months and I still have algae. I'm keeping the brown algae under control with otos and nerite snails will take care of green spot algae. Algae is a plant, too, and light encourages algae growth. What type of algae is it? You should add 4 new otos to this tank. Otos have a very small bioload and will help your tank a lot. Nerites are great snails because they do not breed in fresh water. Do you have any live plants? How many WATTS is your bulb? Algae usually means a water imbalance but not all the time. What are your readings?

Feb 27, 2009
So many different types of algae means there is something out of balance.

What fish do you have in this tank? Any live plants?

What are the readings of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

I wouldn't recommend adding otos to a new tank. They need a mature, stable tank to thrive in my experience.



Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
Usually sunlight will cause algae problems. However, I had a 10 gallon tank with three fresh water Sculpin in there that always grew algae faster than my other tanks.

When I put one of them each into my big tanks (100 gallon and 40 gallon), it seems the big tanks are now growing algae a bit faster than before. Not sure if the sculpin are causing it or what.

What I do is clean the algae off as best I can to help slow down regrowth. I brush the glass well, especially the corners and below the gravel line, let the filter(s) pick it all up, and then service the filter.

>50% water changes every two weeks. Tanks look good.

Also, I have fake plants that grow lots of algae on them. I clean them off with tap water. Won't affect the cycle.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
I have about 5 live plants, lucky bamboo (live), and the fish listed in my sig.

not sure how many watts, its just a fluorescent bulb.

overall, my tank looks really weird because one side is sparkling clean and the other side has algae problems.