Algea and cory questions


Large Fish
Jun 10, 2006
Endicott NY
Ok 2 questions. Earlier this month I bought a clown pleco and I really like him but he's not eating very much algea and the side of my tank near a window that always gets some sunlight is starting to look not so good, I know I could just scrape it off but I would much rather have something eat it. Should I buy a couple oto's? Is there a good algea eating pleco that can live peacefully wiht my clown that stays small? My tank is a 55 gallon 4 molly's 7 platy's 3 gourami's 5 cory's and the pleco.

My cory's seem really timid, everytime I walk towards the tank they freak out and just swim as fast as they can away, I've seen them run into things though and I'm worried they are gonna hurt themselves. Like yesterday one flew into a piece of driftwood and wedged himself between it and the glass. Is that normal behavior.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I think otos would be your best bet, definitely would get along with your fish and they devour algae.

I'm not sure on the cories, unless you've got very little in the way of hiding spaces or they're very new. Mine don't care when I come up to them. I know with some fish, if you don't have as much for them to hide in, they become more anxious and are more likely to hide... they feel comforted just knowing they can hide whenever, so they don't need to stay hidden.


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2007
I couldn't ever get an oto to live! I had 3 different ones! But my pleco is has lived for about what a month? That's a record for me with algae eaters.

Good luck with your oto!


Large Fish
Jun 10, 2006
Endicott NY
Is the tank in a really high-traffic area of the house?
Not at all it's in the back corner of my room, it's right next to my computer desk, and eveyr time I walk to my computer they go crazy but then once I'm sitting there they are fine.