Algea wont go away!!

Oct 11, 2012
I have a 60 gallon tank with a bio wheel set up. Recently I started seeing algae. Been doing 20% changes every week. Last week I started a nasty algae film all over the sides and bottom of the tank, no matter what I do to clean it, it comes back, its a very thick film. How can I get rid of it?
Search instead for I have a 60 gallon tank with a bio wheel set up. Recently I started seeing algea. Been doing 20% changes every week. Last week I started a nasty algea film all over the sides and bottom of the tank, no matter what I do to clean it, it comes back, its a very thick film. How can I get rid of it?

Im thinking I need to empty the tank, put fish in sick tank and use a clean cloth to wipe sides, take rocks out and rinse them off well with plain water, its really a thick layer that developed VERY quickly*SICK*


Superstar Fish
Most algae can be controlled by controlling the nutrients in the water. By feeding only what the fish will eat in 1-2 minutes and water changing weekly to keep nitrates under 20PPM usually does the trick. What are the specs on the tanks size and occupants? Algae will take up nitrate so if this nitrate is present then this might be the reason. You might need to feed less or do larger water changes. Do you know what the nitrate level is before you water change? Knocking back the hours the tank lights are on my help to and be sure its not getting hit by sunlight through a window.