I have a 60 gallon tank with a bio wheel set up. Recently I started seeing algae. Been doing 20% changes every week. Last week I started a nasty algae film all over the sides and bottom of the tank, no matter what I do to clean it, it comes back, its a very thick film. How can I get rid of it?
Search instead for I have a 60 gallon tank with a bio wheel set up. Recently I started seeing algea. Been doing 20% changes every week. Last week I started a nasty algea film all over the sides and bottom of the tank, no matter what I do to clean it, it comes back, its a very thick film. How can I get rid of it?
Im thinking I need to empty the tank, put fish in sick tank and use a clean cloth to wipe sides, take rocks out and rinse them off well with plain water, its really a thick layer that developed VERY quickly*SICK*
Search instead for I have a 60 gallon tank with a bio wheel set up. Recently I started seeing algea. Been doing 20% changes every week. Last week I started a nasty algea film all over the sides and bottom of the tank, no matter what I do to clean it, it comes back, its a very thick film. How can I get rid of it?
Im thinking I need to empty the tank, put fish in sick tank and use a clean cloth to wipe sides, take rocks out and rinse them off well with plain water, its really a thick layer that developed VERY quickly*SICK*