alkalinity/ph probs


Small Fish
Sep 5, 2005
I've only just discovered the importance of alkalinity. So far I've only considered PH in my 6 month old 100 gallon reef set up. My pH has generally been rather low 7.7 - 8.0 which I know is not good enoug, but on testing my alkalinity I was shocked to discover it didn't even register ie LOW +++, I've been adding Salifert Kh + pH buffer and my Ph has come up nicely to 8.3, I've had to add loads of buffer though - almost 200ml - now my calcium level is through the roof! - is this ok - is there an upper limit of calcium? - pH now fine though and alkalinity rising steadily - do I just keep on going adding more buffer till Kh ok? - I've never added buffer before.......


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have no idea where all your calcium is coming from - most kH buffers will not add that much Ca. If you really did have b""""""r all alk. then adding a lot of buffer of buffer is to be expected. You'll know when you have too much by getting a snowstorm!
If I was you I would relax and concentrate on trying to get a stable kH and Can in the medium range of the levels, i.e. alk 9+, Ca 350 +. Don't get het up trying to maintain super high Ca


Small Fish
Sep 5, 2005
I was only really bothered about my Kh and pH, my calcium had always been ok and it shot up presumably as a side effect of adding lots of buffer - previously it was over 450, can't think of any other reason - I'll monitor things closely but thankfully the water remains clear, fish and corals contented!