All my bottom feeders died yesterday. 3 Corries, 2 Dojo Loaches and my Angelicus Pleco. They appeared fine in the morning and then when I came down last night they all were covered in white haze and dead. It looked like their skin was pealing off. None of the other fish seem to be affected. The rest of the fish are all tetras except for a Spotted Raphael. He seems OK. I did some searching but there seem to be several conditions that cause a white haze on the fish. All seem to be some type of Fungus. I can't think of any changes to the tank recently. Ammonia and Nitrites are at 0, Nitrates at about 10. pH is about 6.2 but has always been steady. I did not a water change Friday night, as always with declorinator (Jungle ACE). I obviously do not want to replace them until I know what happened. If it is some type of Fungus, how would it get there and why would it only affect the bottom feeders?