all my fish are dead

Oct 8, 2004
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i started with 2 black tetras, 2 rainbow tetras, 2 tiger barbs, 2 paradise gouramis, 2 other tetras, 2 dwarf frogs, 1 snail and one pacostamos.. the 2 rainbows had ick and i got rid of em then 1 gourami dissapeard then 1 barb dissapeared then 1 died then the 2 blck and other 2 tetras died but not before their fins were now the last gourami is the last fish what is wrong and what fishs should i buy...please help me:confused:


Large Fish
Aug 4, 2004
Gresham, Oregon
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If we know how old your tank is, it would really help. For the most part it sound like new tank syndrome. I didnt know about the fishless cycle when I started, or even the cycle at all. So I went through about ten fish before my tank cycled, and I found this website and wonderful people to help me. :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Sounds like you hit the Nitrite spike with a couple of dead fish in there.

Read up on how to cycle a fish tank (takes 6 weeks +) and clean the one you have now. As above - don't put more fish in there till this is sorted - just concentrate on keep that last Gourami alive and you should be able to relax in a few weeks time.

google is your friend - search "how to cycle fishtank"

A 30% water change is probably a good idea round about now too....

(welcome to the tank)

Oct 4, 2004
Wirral, UK
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I had a very similar problem to this when I set up my first tank and lost 5 fish. The problem is that the fish waste converted to ammonia and this highly toxic to fish at levels as low as a few ppm. Ammonia is then converted to nitrite which isn't as toxic as ammonia but still harmfull to your fish at levels of above 1ppm. There are friendly bacteria that grow within your filter that breakdown the nitrite in to the much less harmfull nitrate. For certain fish high levels of nitrate (greater than 50ppm) need to be avoided. To help the good bacteria grow I used an additive calle stresszyme which is a culture of the bacteria that will grow up in you filter and aid in the breakdown of nitrite. Test kits are available at most fish stockists for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.