Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
I've had a Red Coris (Clown) Wrasse in my system for a couple of days. He seemed happy. He would bury himself once the lights went out at night and show himself again around 2pm the next day. Today he didn't appear untill 8pm. He is hanging around on the bottom of the tank and gasping. He is fighting to keep himself the right way up but it seems a losing battle. He has no visible injuries. I haven't seen him eat any of the seafood mix that I offer but is (was) constantly searching the rock and substrate, picking on this and that.

I suspect not, but is there anything I can do to help him?

The Arrow crab has not got to him....yet


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Do you have a quarantine tank you can put him in? I don't have any clue what it might be, but if possible you want to prevent him from spreading it around your tank.

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
I don't have a Q tank (I know I should). Thanks for the suggestion.
The poor guy just now passed on. It is such a shame - he was gorgeous.
I've bagged him up and I'll try my luck at returning him to the store. I was told today at the same store that they have a 14 day guarentee on thier fish. I know that isn't the case but he was purchased 4 days ago so we'll see. Maybe Yamaha can sort something out. ;)

Any comments on what step can be taken to increase the chances of a gasping fish, are still be appreciated for future reference.

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
1979camaro said:
i don't know what happened with your coris wrasse, but they do have a really poor survival record in the aquarium
Thanks Camaro. I found the information on a lot of the websites to be very conflicting regarding how difficult they are to care for, whether they are agressive etc etc.

yamahaguy06 said:
14 days, no way, lol. but I will do my best man, and im working tomorow 2 so bring it by. that sux it died. was it the one you got at the sale?
Yeah it was the same one. I am gutted. The girl at the register told me 14 days despite me showing her on the receipt where it says 24 hours. I'll bring it by and will appreciate anything you can do man, but I understand that your hands might be tied.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
What was it like when you bought it .... oh was it the buy in the bag sale - then it's absolute pot luck what it was like.

I'm going to stir up some controversy - if you buy straight from the bag I think you have absolutely no moral right to return fish because it died - if you want that sort of guarantee buy fish that look healthy from a tank. You gambled, because you wanted a cheap fish, that the fish you bought was in good shape because you had no way , one way or the other, of checking that out, but 'hey, it's cheap, who cares. Oh it's died, I lost the gamble, please can I have my money back'.

** I have bought fish straight from the bag , straight from the airport as well**

Point two - if you're going to do this for the love of god get a QT - if that thing died of velvet for example you can say byebye to all your fish right now.

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
good point wayne. very good point, lol. I want to start one up. and as far as the fish goes. uhh uhh, lol. I kind of agree with wayne. maybe that is y we dont return buy out of the bag sale fish(only out of our tanks). well guys, peace.

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
I figured that through buying out of the bag, I am eliminating a step of the fishes journey from the ocean to my fish tank and therefor increasing the fishes chance of survival. This of course still gives me personally more of a gamble.

I know I should setup a QT - especially if participating in these in a bag sales. I hope I don't have to learn the hard way.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
while buying out of the bag does cut one step out of the process it does not provide the opportunity for you to see the health of the fish and it does not give the fish a chance to die at the LFS...have to take into consideration the mortality rate of fish after arrival that as the consumer you don't notice


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
'a good lfs will quarantine the fish BEFORE offering them for sale--mine will quarantine special order fish too for no extra charge' - Name me an lfs that QT's its fish for 6 weeks before putting them on sale. 6 weeks , with no new fish in the tank. Not just 6 weeks in display.

With the fish you have now Rockingcricket, do you really want to lose them because you were too lazy/cheap to spend a few bucks on a 20 long with a cheap filter and heater i nthe garage/basement? I don't think so. QT's are really cheap to setup, especially if you buy your salt by the bucket so making water changes super cheapo too.

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