Am I close to the maximum for fishies in my tank?


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2007
Sofar I have...

5 Guppies
5 Golden Tetras
1 Silver Tipped Tetra
1 Gourami
1 Skunk cleaner shrimp
1 Snail

I wanted to add a couple more Gourami's so my one guy wouldn't feel alone :)

it's a 20g

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
is it planted or non planted?

The numbers are high but count the snail and shrimp out of those numbers, i would say maybe one more but you would have to keep the w/c constant and make sure water is clean for them always. More fish just means more work really, if you overstock a tank then you have to work harder to keep conditions right, but it is personal preference IMO. I have a 29 gallon tank with lots o lots o fish... 30 fish in my tank, mostly bottom feeders, so it is doable with lots of fish, but you have to be ready to do regular w/c and maintain water conditions, i have two HOB filters lots of O2 bubble sticks to get oxygen into water, lots of plants to help filtration and hiding and natural look to tank. I also do 50% w/c weekly. My levels stay at 0ammonia, 0 nitrates, 10-15 nitrites. My only spike is in phosphates but fish are fine so i leave it... mainly because i feed bloodworms to fish every night for the loaches to go crazy over.


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2007
It's non planted. Got 5 points of bubbles in the tank (one 11" air stone, one 4 inch air stone, two 1 inch air stones, and a small tube type bubble maker) and a Penguin 150 Bio-wheel filter with 2 filter cartridges. (one with carbon one without)


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
Visit site
You're not quite at the limit - but it's getting close.

Your tank as is sounds nice and settled - and simple to look after - if you do take it to the limit it means a lot more work to keep the thing stable. I know how frustrating it can be not to be able to add more fish - but you and the fish will be better off in the long run if you don't overstock.

Besides - you sure you got room for more fish in there with all those bubbles ? - lol


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2007
Purple said:
You're not quite at the limit - but it's getting close.

Your tank as is sounds nice and settled - and simple to look after - if you do take it to the limit it means a lot more work to keep the thing stable. I know how frustrating it can be not to be able to add more fish - but you and the fish will be better off in the long run if you don't overstock.

Besides - you sure you got room for more fish in there with all those bubbles ? - lol
lol, speaking of bubbles, check out my thread im about to post in the DIY section *laughingc


Small Fish
May 27, 2005
In my 20G I had:

3 small Angels
5 Serpae Tetras
6 Black Skirt Tetras
1 Black Mystery Snail
3 Cories
1 Common small Pleco

My nitrates and ammonia have always stayed at zero. The fish have been quite happy and healthy, but I moved them to a 30 gallon and plan to split the Angels up as two get along and the third gets picked he is going back to the empty 20 Gallon with the 5 Danios I have in there right now. I'll have to add a couple bottom feeders.

I say you are probably ok as the fish you have are not too terribly big, but maybe the silver tip tetra needs some friends, unless he hangs well with the golden tetras?

But I agree on the previous posts you may not be quite maxed, but keep any other additions small and keep your tank clean and maintained. :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
ok see how big his tail is? this is a male. also look down on his belly behind his fin, see the pipe looking thing? thats his...erm.
females are sometimes uncolored but often times they have color anymore, just not much. notice the a quater circle on the females belly behind her fin? thats how you know its a female.
theres a male on the bottom, female on the top who is pregnant. notice the black spot near where she poops? those are babies, its called a gravid spot.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I would not keep 2 gouramis together in a tank smaller than 29gallons. They can be territorial like bettas and beat eachother up.

I agree with the guppies comment, if you have males and females, those females will soon be giving birth to 30+ babies a month. You can only hope they get eaten. I would not add anything else.