Am I ok or am I overcrowding


Medium Fish
Jun 6, 2005
thibodaux, la
I live in Hell I mean Southeaastern Louisiana I have a 55 gallon cichild tank with a magnum 350 deluxe filter. The fish that I have area 6 inch JD a 4 inch mbuna that looks similar to a cow. A 7 inch Tin Foil Barb a pair of 4 inch breeding black and white cons who have already had 2 sets of fry only 2 babies survived And a 9 inch sailfin pleco Oh ya I just purchased a 2 inch RD Am I over crowded? I orginally wanted a albino oscar before I had everything I started out with a african tank but I guess when you buy from wal-mart the fish dont last that long. So I bought the JD and then the tinfoil barb The cons came next and the female just started popping out fry lol like a freakin rabbit. I dont know what to do if I want to get an oscar or not. I just found ya'll on the internet and figured I should post bout my fishies.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You' re not terribly overloaded at this point but
1. you will be, and probably sooner than you think as things tend to grow pretty quickly
2 You're well on the way to some behavioural horrors. Certainly don't buy the oscar. You need to make some decisions about what fish you like as some are going to go one way or the other

The Red Devil will demand the 55 gal. tank in less then two years. I have a red devil in a 55 gal. that just beat the living daylights out of convict of similar size. I don't think it will get along with the JD when it starts to demand room. The tinfoil barbs can reach 13 inches. I have three in the 7 inch range and they do get along with all the other fish but they do need alot of swimming room. I think a bigger tank is in your future. :)