Am I overstocked?

I have some questions 1.How big are my 3 gouramis gonna be? They are blue three sot, yellow gourami, and one male weird blue one that really changes color and his colors are almost tiger striped none of them are dwarfs. Also Am I overstocked. I have a high oxygen tank with undergravel filters that get partial water changes twice a week and also light gravel vacuuming at the same time

70 gallon with 3 gouramis, 2 chinese algae eaters, 3 apple snails, a red claw crab,1 male 1 female swordtail, and also 2 Serpae Tetra, one pleco common

Also I have a 10 gallon that i was trying to get guppies to breed but nothing is going on.

wilsonriverfish said:
Also I have a 10 gallon that i was trying to get guppies to breed but nothing is going on.
You mean they're not breeding or they're not producing fry?

Guppies will eat their own babies, so if you don't provide enough cover like plants (fake or real) or maybe some hollow ornaments then they'll probably get eaten before you get a chance to see them.

Do the females look pregnant?


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Well to me it sounds like you have a Three Spot-Blue Gourami and a Yellow-Gold Gourami, but the other one I am not sure of. Do have any pics or can you post a link to one on the web??? Both of the Gouramis that you have will get to 6 inches easy. Your tank seems to be fine for now but its possible that you might have some probelms in the future. Gouramis tend to be aggressive so you will just have to becareful not to crowd your tank and you might have a better chance. The only thing that I see wrong with you tank is that Male livebearers tend to pester the Females and that will most likely lead to a very stressed fish. Also Serpae Tetras are pretty fiesty fish and should be kept in a school to dispurse their aggression. My advice is to either take out the Swords or the Tetras, cause you need to add more of one or the other but I want to make sure that your Gouramis arent crowded. Do you catch my drift??? Good Luck and I hope that I helped. :D

PS. My opinion is to remove the Swords and add a few more Serpaes. ;)

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