Am I overstocked?


Small Fish
Apr 10, 2013
So here's the deal I have a 55 gal right now it has plenty of oxygen going to the water and I have a few live plants. I am running an aquaclear 70 and an eheim 2215. Here's the fish I have as of now.

1 Dwarf gourami
1 German blue ram
2 Bolvian rams
2 Bristlenose pleco (1 will be moved to separate tank once large enough)
4 Various Cory cats
6 White clouds
7 Glow light tetra
1 Tire track eel (whom is only 4 1/2" and will be going in a 125 long once he is large enough for the catfish)

I have been testing my water and my levels are perfect I do perform my water changes as needed as well as my gravel vacuuming. I know I have over stocked as far as the 1" per gallon rule goes but my filtration is doing its job and then some. What I'm wondering is if I'm pushing my bio load to the limit or am I making my two filters fight for food? Should I add a few more small fish like tetras (there is still plenty of swimming room in the mid and upper section of the tank it's almost empty looking cause I have so many bottom swimmers) any advise or criticism will be greatly appreciated. This is my first tank but I have learned and read more then I thought I would lol please be nice *PEACE!**PEACE!*


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
The one inch per gallon rule went out the window a long time ago because it does actually address the height and width of the fish or the mobility. Certain fish need more room. Mollies for example need more room than platies of the same size because they are just more active. Two inches of danio does not take up as much room as two inches of molly - if you get what I mean. IMO the shape of the tank also needs to considered. High tanks do not have the swimming room that long tanks do given the same number of gallons, particularly for faster shoaling fish. I don't know anything personally about the compatibility of your three rams.


Small Fish
Apr 10, 2013
Most of my fish are bottom dwellers I just want more going on in the mid to upper section of the tank I just dont want to over load my bacteria and create issues. My rams are all male and all fine the little German chases the Bolivians a bit but causes no harm. I have got plenty of hiding places for all my fish to have a couple each. I love decor lol


Small Fish
Apr 10, 2013
So do you think it's safe for me to add a few more small fish to my tank or should I wait till I move some fish to new other tanks.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I took the time to check your stocking with There is a very large warning about the tire track eel which looks like it will be aggressive to all your fish. Without the eel your tank is about 73% stocked, but the rams will be aggressive to your tetras.


Small Fish
Apr 10, 2013
Thank you I didn't know about this aqadvisor I have had the track eel for a few months now and have been watching its behavior and no signs of aggression at all. My rams are pretty mellow right now they move all around the tank and don't bother the tetras or the white clouds either. Maybe I got lucky idk image.jpg


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
Id say you have plenty of room for more fish. You seem to keep up on the water changes so don't be scared to add some new fish. Tank does look good by the way, keep it up!