am interested in plastic aquarium plants


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Maiden, North Carolina
Alot of ppl do choose to go the plastic plant route. I know most may start off with plastic but then choose to go to real plants later. (recently was offered lots of plastic plants from someone who changed to real plants, but then the guy moved and never saw him again.)
I was wondering to those who went from plastic to real plants, would you want to sell the plastic plants to some of us newbies?? I have a 10 gallon right now, but hope to get a 29 gallon at Christmastime and will need lots of new plants.

please list what kind of style plants, the size (or size tank they would fit) and how much per plant or in a group. Shouldn't be to hard to mail in a box or buble envelope.

Thanks for all who help. I need plants but am doing this slowly because of financial probs. I am also needing a sponge filter and small tank air pump for a 5 gallon fry tank. my eclipse biofilter tank recently had the motor burn out or just quit working. So it is now my fry tank for any mollies or platys I may have (molly pregnant now)

Oh and feww donations are always welcome!!