amano shrimp


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
i want to get a couple of these guys but do not want them to be eaten...they will be going into a heavily planted aquarium, so perhaps not a problem, but wanted to ask

current stock includes:
1 angel fish
1 pearl gourami
5 tiger barbs
3 pictus catfish (who will be moving out very shortly)
1 cae (also most likely moving)
1 candy striped pleco
2 pakistani loaches

i know they are all too small to get a shrimp all the way in there mouth, but is it likely that they will be assaulted and maimed/killed? for some reason it seems like a distinct possibilty, but wanted to know if anyone had any thoughts?



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
About the only ones I'd be worried about are the loaches; But I'm not familiar with pakistani loaches...

WRT loaches and shrimp, its hit and miss... I know people who've had success keeping them together. My clown loach ignored the shrimp for months, then one day tore through them...



Large Fish
Nov 27, 2002
Visit site
Hmmm# ~:mad:{}?<>!!"£$%^&*

Key words: HEAVILY PLANTED like how heavily planted? as in...Can't see the substrate;Can't see the sides;Over-running the tank;Just about reaches top of water; Have to buy new tanks just for the plants, not fish;as many/less plants than fish?

If any of these except the last ones then you should be ok ;) How big is your tank?
Gallons|Amount of shrimp
5 |2
10 |4
15 |7
20 |12
25 |15
30 |18
35 |22
40 |26
45+ |30+

Those are some general guidlines for the amount, maybe less because of loach competition & depending on the size of the shrimp. Maybe get 1 or 2 first and see how they check out :) the loaches and other fish might not like the taste ater one serving so that might be your luck. Also the tiger barbs might be a little problem so watch out for them because they are notorious tail nippers and I'm sure they'll have a go or 2 at the little guys.
The pleco. Is it terotorial(spelling?)? If it is you might consider not having them depending on the size of your tank, and the size of the pleco. I can't see the angels or gourami having a problem with it though so the rest of my advice is:



Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
the tank is in the last category now (equal fish to plants, perhaps a couple more plants) but in a week I will get my new plants and it will be very very dense, still looking for a couple hold outs that the lfs is trying to get for me...I'll wait till then for sure, and then think about it, may get a couple, see what happens, and go from there

thanks for the help though all