i want to get a couple of these guys but do not want them to be eaten...they will be going into a heavily planted aquarium, so perhaps not a problem, but wanted to ask
current stock includes:
1 angel fish
1 pearl gourami
5 tiger barbs
3 pictus catfish (who will be moving out very shortly)
1 cae (also most likely moving)
1 candy striped pleco
2 pakistani loaches
i know they are all too small to get a shrimp all the way in there mouth, but is it likely that they will be assaulted and maimed/killed? for some reason it seems like a distinct possibilty, but wanted to know if anyone had any thoughts?
current stock includes:
1 angel fish
1 pearl gourami
5 tiger barbs
3 pictus catfish (who will be moving out very shortly)
1 cae (also most likely moving)
1 candy striped pleco
2 pakistani loaches
i know they are all too small to get a shrimp all the way in there mouth, but is it likely that they will be assaulted and maimed/killed? for some reason it seems like a distinct possibilty, but wanted to know if anyone had any thoughts?