Amazonian catfish

Aug 9, 2003
Northbrook, IL
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Om getting an 80-85 gal soon and im going to make it an amazon tank. Im wondering what catfish would do well and keep my tank nice and clean. The only catfish i know i will put in is my pleco that is currently in my 20, but will outgrow it within several months. Im going to have several species of tetras, some hatchet fish, and some peaceful cichlids (ive checked with the cichlid forum and they've okayed it). Im going to use peat to lower my pH and hardness. U can see my "amazonian tank" post, or my "amazonian cichlid" post. Im going to have some different sword plants, and other amazonian plants. Thanks in advance.


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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from the little bit of info i could seem to find, i found out they can weigh up to 200 lbs. not sure if its the same one you want, but if it is youll need a much bigger tank:D

heres a pic of one, its the third down on the page:

there are plenty of catfish to choose from though. i saw some shovelnose cats the other day, and i thought they were so cool.:D

*EDIT: ok, i just showed the pic to my dad, and he said they've found them at 600lbs too. damn thats a big catfish, youd need a swimming pool!:eek:

Last edited:
Jan 19, 2003
Stavanger, Norway
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OK, you definitely need some cories - they're in pretty much in every pieve of water in the amazon basin. When you've deided what cichlids to get , go see if you can find out what cory matches the area. Does anywhere know where there's a map of cory distribution.
Also go for some L numbers - smaller plecs, theres 300 or so to choose from, many of which are not unreasonably priced (though rarely cheap). You need to go to and plough thro' the info on there. Shanes world is very interesting for the sort of info you're after