Discuses & Angels are most popular among peaceful cichlids. But they r not at all hardy.
i completey disagree with this statement. most angels are quite hardy these days due to the the amount of time that we have been captive breeding them. if you really like angels i would say go for it. many people are breeding these guys like mad in 8.0 ph water, which was said to be impossible in the recent past.
discus are a little more problematic, but quickly becoming more and more hardy. (i know many people who are raising them in higher ph water)
altum angels are really the "new discus".
Rams would be a good choice.
i have had fairly bad luck raising rams. while there is no doubt that they are very beautiful, i would honestly say that these guys are a lot less hardy than angels.
this is a clip from Dr. Uwe Romer's "cichlid atlas" from 2000, which i agree with after keeping rams:
"MIkrogeophagus ramirezi is certainly one of the most popular aquarium fishes, especially among cichlids. successful husbandry is even possible under donditions that differ significantly from those found in its natural habitat. however, M. ramirezi is by no means a fish for the beginner....."this species usually perishes after just one year if its captive enviornment varies substantially from that of its natural habitat."
yes, i know that i risk flames from people who have bred them, had them live a long time, etc.
i will just say from my own experience that i have NEVER had one live longer than 6 months..... and i do massive water changes weekly as well as have massive filtration on my tanks.
i never once lost an angel in this way.
just my opinion and experience with these guys, if you have softer water than mine--YMMV