Ammonia and NO2/3 Levels


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Okay, I think in part I might be over-feeding. (Mostly due to the variety of fish I have and to ensure that a few fish don't eat all the food and starve the others)

Anyways, I am going to reduce feeding I think.

Would the next recommendation be to do a 2 or 3 10% water changes this week?

I am probably a bit overstocked....

45 gallon, with a Fluval 304 cannister filter and a Penguin 170Bio-wheel/power filter, and Live plants...

1 x African butterfly (2")
5 x Glass/Ghost Cat
1 x African Black Ghost (4")
3 x Cories (small)
2 x Khuli loaches
1 x Dojo Loach
1 x Striped Loach (2")
3 x Swordtails
16 x Neons
2 x Australian Rainbow
1 x Pleco
3 x Twig Cats (2 very small ones)
2 x small long fin rainbows
    (one is the size of a neon, the other a small danio)
2 x Australian Rainbow
    (These are about 3inches, they grew fast & eat fast)

Note, other than the Pleco, Dojo loach, BGK, and the Australian Rainbows all the fish are under two inches with the majority under 1".  

I am picking up an additional 30gallon tank from a friend later this month.  None of the fish have shown any symtoms of discomfort and usually seem to be quite happier in my tank than in the LFS.  However, the levels did show up a bit higher than I am comfortable with. I also, had a very busy month and so did only a single 20% water change every 2 weeks.  

Am fairly new to this level of aquarium keeping. 10 yrs ago I had a 12 gallon, fish did fairly well...but I had no clue about water testing, etc.  (They must have hated me every time I replaced the entire filter material... *lol*) So I am learning....

Oct 22, 2002
Monroe North Carolina
just curious?  did you get your 30 gal. yet?  I'm a nubie also, but thats a lot of fish in your tank.  I've got a 55 with 11 fish, largest is 4".  More fish=more food=more poop.  Hope the problems you are having with your glass fish don't spread to the others.  Good luck getting those fish healthy again.  I am not criticizing.....had same problems with hi nitrites a while back myself.  Cutting down of feedings really seemed to help, and daily 10% waterchanges.  Hope it all works out well for you.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Actually, the one glass fish is still got the blotches (so far the other 4 seem alright)....and all my other fish are fine.

I lost one of the 2 new baby twig cats I had put in the second day.  The other one seems fine.  

Discovered my canister filter was clogged and operating at only probably 20%...., (I had cleaned the nozzle periodically, however, in the Fluval there is a ball and plant material clogged the intake).  Last night I tested the tank....ammonia and nitrate levels were on the low / safe side. (also been feeding a bit less).   Nitrates are still high...I am thinking partial water change and replanting of plants should help.

pH still falls periodically and must be buffered every few days...

Hardness is around 2-3 for one and 0-1 for the other. (I forget which was which, kh or Gh)

Having been informed the blotches are likely a fungus, I began fungal treatment two days ago with Maracyde. Let's see how it works...

Oct 22, 2002
Monroe North Carolina
glad to know things are inproving.  Lost 2 danios last week, they had fungus on mouth.  I really need to invest in a hospital tank.  Been reading up on this site on hos/QT tanks.  I think that would be a good investment.  Several people have turned me on to a product called Prime, by Seachem.  Cant say enough about it.  Check out their site.  It's great for detoxifing nitrite and nitrates. *thumbsupsmiley*  Hope the filter problem clears things up. *twirlysmiley* *twirlysmiley*