Hi there. I'm new to the forum. I'm having an ammonia problem and need some guidance, please.
I have a 37 gallon freshwater tank. I bought it in November. I started out with 3 zebra danios. In early January I added 1 port hoplo catfish, 3 sunset platys, 6 cardinal tetras, 1 Crowtail beta, 4 black phantom tetras, and 3 Lyretail mollies. Last Friday (jan 24) I noticed the platys were laying at the bottom of the tank (still alive) so I took some water in to get tested. Everything was "ideal" but the ammonia was dark dark green. About 8 ppm. I bought some Prime conditioner and did a 50% water change. In 48 hours there was no change. I also stopped feelings for 3 days. I did a 30% water change and used a gravel vacuum on jan 27. The ammonia was at a 3 to 4. On jan 28 I did another 30% water change with more Prime. And yesterday I did another 25% water change with Prime. My ammonia is still at 3 to 4 ppm. Still high!
I'm not sure what else to do! Please help me figure out how to get the ammonia down.
I have a 37 gallon freshwater tank. I bought it in November. I started out with 3 zebra danios. In early January I added 1 port hoplo catfish, 3 sunset platys, 6 cardinal tetras, 1 Crowtail beta, 4 black phantom tetras, and 3 Lyretail mollies. Last Friday (jan 24) I noticed the platys were laying at the bottom of the tank (still alive) so I took some water in to get tested. Everything was "ideal" but the ammonia was dark dark green. About 8 ppm. I bought some Prime conditioner and did a 50% water change. In 48 hours there was no change. I also stopped feelings for 3 days. I did a 30% water change and used a gravel vacuum on jan 27. The ammonia was at a 3 to 4. On jan 28 I did another 30% water change with more Prime. And yesterday I did another 25% water change with Prime. My ammonia is still at 3 to 4 ppm. Still high!
I'm not sure what else to do! Please help me figure out how to get the ammonia down.