Hi, I've had a 38 gallon tank for 2 years and haven't had anything like this happen. The other morning, I looked at the test results (API) and the ammonia was way high. nothing like this ever happened, so I did a 15% water change, and then another maybe half an hour later. The ammonia fell, and it was fine for a day or two. Then, it skyrocketed with no warning and killed most of the cories. Did another water change and am stumped. Can anyone shed any light on this, and if so, some advice?
Info: 38 gallon rectangular tank, two filters, (15 gal. and 30 Gal. rated) air stone, weekly water changes, 19 fish total befor the cories died: Pleco, catfish (name unknown), 2 clown loaches, 3 green barbs, 5 swordtails (babies), 7 cories (1 inch). I feed them every other morning. All fish have survived 2 Ich "waves".
Info: 38 gallon rectangular tank, two filters, (15 gal. and 30 Gal. rated) air stone, weekly water changes, 19 fish total befor the cories died: Pleco, catfish (name unknown), 2 clown loaches, 3 green barbs, 5 swordtails (babies), 7 cories (1 inch). I feed them every other morning. All fish have survived 2 Ich "waves".