*SICK* I am having major probs with my 20g tall's ammonia levels. This is a tropical community tank with 5 neons, 2 danios, 2 (small) corys, and 2 von rio tetras. Now we are not really up to toxic ammonia levels yet (and no fish loss recently) but today we spiked to 2 ppm which concerns me. (We did lose 3 neon tetras the first few days we introduced them, but that has been over a month ago. They were immediately removed as soon as they were discovered.) We are doing 25% water changes every other day. Current chemicals being used: stability, stress zyme, aquarium salt. All other water parameters are fine: pH 6.2, 0 Nitrites, 0 Nitrates. We remove all unused food with a turkey baster, and while doing water changes we have been using the gravel vacuum to suck up nastiness in the gravel. We are running a AquaClear 50 on the lowest setting (for the neons), and at each water change have rinsed everything. Changed the carbon filter today. Up til today we were also using the ammonia remover insert for the aquaclear, but I took it out bc I'm concerned this may be part of the issue. Any ideas on what is going wrong??? My thought is this is possibly an issue with the nitrogen cycle in the tank. I am reluctant to put lots of chemicals in the tank...but I've considered using AmQuel which has worked in the past on my goldfish. My only other thought is that we may need to take out some fish to reduce the bio load. Any help would be great...our lps is one of the chain deals with high school kids working the fish dept, so if I go there I might as well ask my 3-yr-old whats going on...