Ammonia problem and its my fault


Large Fish
Nov 27, 2002
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I know, I know, my husband is complaining to me how I should never have added metrodizonal to the tank for the angelfish that was sick. Now my bacteria levels are all screwed up.

I know I messed it up and it was really stupid but now how do I get the ammonia levels back down to being safe? I thought we should just replace the bacteria filter pad and start over since the pad might have residual medication on it. (by the way, he would not let me set up a hospital tank). Do they have something that I can add to the tank for the ammonia to bring the levels back to normal? We have ammonia absorbing rocks in there right now but they are not doing enough. My husband doesn't want to do a water change because he said there is not enough bacteria in there to kill the bad bacteria. What do you think?


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
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Not familiar with "metrodizonal", but some medications require that you take the carbonfilter cartridge out so the medication won't be taken out of the water. Did you have to do that with this medication? If so, replace the carbon and it should take it out of the water. Then replace with a fresh cartridge and start over.

I think a 25% water change is a good idea. And I think you may have to start cycling again.

Don't know if something like "Cycle" or "Bio Spira" might help boost the bacteria. Some say it helps . .. others not. It certainly can't hurt.

SO . . . what does hubby think about a "hospital tank" now?

Also, "Ammo-Loc" will convert the ammonia to a non-toxic kind immediately. However, it has the disadvantage of screwing up your ammonia readings since your test kit can't differentiated between non-toxic and toxic ammonia.

Starting from square one might be a good option in the long run.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Pretty much all meds recomend pulling out the carbon. About the only two that don't are salt and melafix :)

I could be wrong, but I don't think metro screws with your biological filter. Tho depending on its source, it may be mixed with other meds. Which did you use specifically.

Do you have another established tank you could borrow some filter material from?

I've got metro going in my hospital/guppy tank now (my nice marble angel has some kind of internal parasite) and the biological filter is fine (and that tank is FULL of fish, "Guppies Gone wild") Would have seen raised ammonia levels by now if it did kill off the bio filter.



Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
How high is your ammonia level and how are your other levels? If the metro doesn't mess with the bacteria (like Andy said) then I wonder if those "ammonia absorbing" rocks could be screwing with your ammonia test results like the ammo lock products would??