So I've been running my little five gallon tank moderately? planted with a betta and three otos with no problems. Didn't cycle it cause I didn't understand you could do fishless cycling until a book I found mentioned it, of course after I bought it and the fish. I got the betta from petsmart so I didn't get good info from them and then when I started seeing algae show up I got an oto on the advice of a better fish store and some sand from an established tank so I was able to not cycle it.
I learned more about otos and decided to get two more two weeks later.
The tank had been going for a week with no variation in params except nitrates I did a water change and two days later I get an ammonia reading. Odd, I change water, it goes away, two more days go by and it happens again. This morning I did another change just to be sure and started looking for one of the otos I couldn't find and noticed something black in one of my plants. On closer inspection I saw it was fly dead in the water. I got it out and want to make sure that that would cause a .25 ammonia swing every couple days or if it might be something else. I obviously have no idea how long the fly was there.
I learned more about otos and decided to get two more two weeks later.
The tank had been going for a week with no variation in params except nitrates I did a water change and two days later I get an ammonia reading. Odd, I change water, it goes away, two more days go by and it happens again. This morning I did another change just to be sure and started looking for one of the otos I couldn't find and noticed something black in one of my plants. On closer inspection I saw it was fly dead in the water. I got it out and want to make sure that that would cause a .25 ammonia swing every couple days or if it might be something else. I obviously have no idea how long the fly was there.