Ammonia resistent?

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Okay, I have a big problem.

I am setting up a 55g planted aquarium, so far it has been filled with water since Saterday, I got my filter and heater in the mail 2 days ago and Added them also. all I have been waiting for is my plants to come in the mail. Well, I just found out that the plant store ( ran out of plants to fill there orders so I won't get mine for 2 or 3 weeks! Now I now this sounds like I am impatient but I was really counting on those plants being here a day ago. Mainly b/c I have 2 cichlids(a severum and parrotfish) that are in a crowed 30 tank that I was just using to hold them in before I could get them in the 55. I have to wait for the plants b/c I don't have time to cycle this tank w/o plants. I was going to add them about a week after the plants arrived.

Anyway its a long and complicated story, but the question is, could I go ahead a put the 2 cichlids in the tank and take my chances without it being cycled?? I am going to have to settle for my LFS's plants but can't get them until Saterday. Do you think that they have a good chance of surviving??


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
sound's like a recipe for disaster,those are fairly large fish i assume, maybe if the are still young it might not be so should try to seed the tank with bacteria from the old tank or from a bio-wheel. no fish likes a raw cycle.


Large Fish
Jan 3, 2003
Visit site
Thats what I'd do. Place the filter from the 30 gal, most of the water and a good hand full of gravel form the 30gal in each corner. That will greatly reduce your cycle. Oh and by the way, a Severum and most plants don't mix. A severum looks at plants as one thing Sallllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddd.

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Well, My Severum and parrotfish are both still very young. They are only about 2 or 3 inches long. I thought About seeding the tank. I think thats what I am going to do today.

About severums and plants, I know I've heard that they like to eat them but i haven't really had that problem. I do have one live plant in his tank and he hasen't touched it. Also I have a silver dollar in another tank with 2 or 3 live plants and he hasen't eaten them either. Maybe I'm just lucky?

It is so urgent b/c they are in the 30g(separated with a divider) with 3 5inch long barracuda and their feeders. It's very corrowded!!

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Well, I only have one silver dollar. I didn't buy him origenally b/c I know they can get big and they like their own kind. No, the person who bought him kept him in a 10g with 2 Angels and a kuhlli loach for most of his life so I think he has been stunted. I finally convinced her to let me have him so he could have more space. He is about 4inches.

I read somewhere that Severums only get to about 5-6" thats why I got him. But in the profile here and from what I have heard they get 8-9". I would not have bought him if I new they got that big. But I have him now, and I really enjoy him. So I guess I will just have to get a bigger tank in the future.