Ammonia Spike....What to do?


Medium Fish
Jul 2, 2003
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I figured out why my Albino ID Sharks are acting weird - the ammonia in my tank has spiked as a result of adding the new fish. I feel so bad. I don't know what do to now. I just did a partial water change and it had very little effect on the ammonia level.

Tank info:

Running about a month
30 g
Undergravel filter, TetraTec Power Filter
Lots of fake plants
Piece of driftwood and large stone from LFS

Everything was great until I added the sharks. I am picking up a 130 gal tomorrow morning and will set it up but it will be a couple weeks before I can move the sharks to it.

What can I do until the new tank is ready? I feel so bad that they are hurting.



Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
in a pinch if you just can't make the ammonia go down because you have too many fish in the tank I think you can get a product that makes the ammonia less toxic for the fish. They usually make your test kit readings inaccurate...and I wouldn't usually reccomend it, but its an idea.

More water changes definitely...maybe like 20% every other day or every 2 days. Whatever seems to help them.

If nothing seems to help them I wonder if you could get your lfs to hold them for awhile?

Good Luck!