Ammonia stage of the cycle...


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hey everyone. My 10 gallon is cycling...and the ammonia level in my tank has been high for awhile now. Today is day 20 that the tank has had fish in it, and the ammonia level has been registering pretty high for at least 14-15 days. I AM being patient...but I was reading and the ammonia stage of the cycle is estimated to be more like 10 days...not 20.

When I went home today my fish were acting REALLY strange. These danios are constantly in motion...and I walked up to the tank and didn't see any fish...looked closer and around back of the tank two of them were plastered up against the glass between a rock decoration and the glass. My first thought was that they died and fell there...but I looked even closer and they were obviously still I reached in and moved the decoration and they all flew out away from it and started swimming around. ok MAYBE they got trapped there...the decoration settled?? But I haven't ever seen them do that before. THEN the biggest fish went into some grass/plant stuff and wouldn't come out/wasn't moving. I thought maybe it was hurt so I flushed him out with the net to get a closer look and he seemed fine. I watched them for another half hour or so...they didn't seem to be doing anything strange...then I had to come back to work....

SO what the hell? Is the ammonia going to their heads? I was going to stop by petco on my way home and get some cycle...I think my petco has it...but I can't find bio spira or anything similar at any of my lps...even though no one (except Gomer) has had much luck with it.

Also...if my tank doesn't have sufficient filtration (because the UGF just isn't doing the trick or I set it up wrong or something) would that be fooling with the cycle?

If anyone has comments I'd like to hear...this incident today just kinda got me worrying about the filtration.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Well...since I have a UGF cleaning my tank (gravel) is technically cleaning my filter.

and everyone told me not to do a water change because my tank is cycling and if I do a water change it will just prolong the cycle because my bacteria is free floating and not attached to anything.

I don't have anywhere to get established media from...but thanks.

Oct 22, 2002
By now, the bacteria should be attached to whatever. If your water is white cloudy, thats when bacteria is floating around.

Aboute doing a water change, well dont have to do one but you may lose all your fish. Because you are cycling with fish, you have to do water changes so the levels do not kill your fish. Yes, it will prolong the cycle by doing a water change. Thats the fun of cycling with fish instead of fishless!



Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
eh I think its time to do a water change :) I got a nitrite test kit today and to my surprise the nitrite level is ALSO high.

No wonder my fish are trippin out.