Amount of Fish for a tank?

Nov 29, 2002
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I have a 300l Juwel tank(about 60Gallons isn't that) and was wondering roughly how many fish i could stock.

I was looking to buy a Regal tang, as a single specimen or maybe as a group, but i want to make sure i have enuff room to keep 4+

If i didn't get a group, i was maybe thinking of getting an anemome with 2 clown fish, but i need to know how hard they are to keep, since none of my books cover invertabra (can't spell). Since this is my 1st SW tank, i went with my LFS advice and used the internal filter that come with the tank and an undergravel filter. I know their gonna be producing nitrates but hope to keep this down with regular water changes and i've ordered an RO unit since the quality of the tap water in london isn't top notch :p.

Would i be able to keep an anemome with my current set up or would i simply be doomed to failure?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
  • qc


Hmmm well with a Reef tank which is what it will be with an anamone you should have about 1inch for every 6gal MAX

You will also want some live rock and MH lighting for the invert and go with a DSB and make sure you have a few power heads in the tank to create curculation which is required for the anamone the intank filter will create nitrate which isn't good at all for the anamone but it will do for now..

Cycle the tank and place your Clown fish in the tank and let them sit in there for about 3 months with weekly Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate tests when they have all been at 0 for 3 months then add an anamone then monitor the anamone for about 3 weeks with daily tests of the water (Also get a copper test kit just to be on the safe side)

You may also want to invest in a skimmer

DEL 707

New Fish
Nov 29, 2002
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i have 2 38w fluescant (can't spell it) lights in the tank, i can't really afford a skimmer at the moment so i'm putting all plans of inverts to 1 side for the time being.

So how many tangs do u reckon i can stock in a 300l tank?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
  • qc


that would be 4 x 2 x 2?

With a tang i would recommend having a skimmer because they are known to be ceseptable to ich and a few others that you would already know about.

Yeah you should forgot corals, anamons and stuff like that because they need much more intensive lighting.. altho 2 250W MH lights should be good most if not all soft corals

You wont need live rock because you don't have the lighting for it nore will the fish mind a little nitrates. (But you will have to do regular water changes because you don't want high nirates!)

I don't think you should start off with a tang.. they do require a little work to keep and need agle to graze on

You can get clowns they dont NEED an anamone to servive happly.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The first thing you should do is go and give your fish store a good kick in the backside. I investigated turning a juwel aquarium to saltwater this year, and gave up as it's too difficult. The internal filters have too low a flow rate, and you can't get enough lights in the hood. Did they really tell you to get an undergravel? Which store was it? Get hold of a copy of Practical fishkeeping and go to another store - do you live in NE London - where's Rob's marines? - that's meant to be real good. They also had a 4 part series recently on how to set up a cheap, low maintenance tank for eventually lesss than a 1000, including unnecassary metal halide.
You HAVE to get a skimmer, and get a decent one like at least a prizm, as this will be your primary filtration. Expect to pay approx 100 pounds.
You don't have enough lights for an anemonae, and you'll have a tough time screwing them into a juwel hood. Tough, no solution to that. Go for fish and low light inverts and you should be ok. Low light means really low light with the juwel hood.
You'll be saving yourself a lot of hassle if you go for a live rock filtration method, though it won't be very cheap. But you'll soon find that keeping marines isn't cheap, and trying to do it cheaply equals a pricey mistake.
If you need to email me - - try to get hold of the 4 part Prac Fishkeeping article though