Amquel +

Oct 28, 2009
It's been a little over 2 months now and the ammonia still tests sky high in my 55 gallon tank. I am thoroughly disgusted with Amquel at this point, and wouldn't recommend it to anybody to use anywhere within a 300 mile radius of fish. I suspect it could be a good paint thinner or insect repellent though. It obviously sticks around FAR, far longer than they claim it does, since I only used one dose 8 weeks ago, and am STILL getting false positive ammonia readings. Is my test kit bad? No, it's not. I have 3 other tanks and I get 0 ammonia readings in those. The fish are all fine in those tanks, just as they are in the 55 I'm writing about now. Have I done water changes, and if so, how frequently? I've done 2 in the last month. My tapwater has ammonia in it, so water changes don't fill me with alot of confidence when it comes to high ammonia issues. I cleaned the gravel during both changes. I also cleaned all the filter pads in both filters (With water from the tank, not tap) The fish are showing no signs of stress at all, but it drives me nuts to constantly see that high ammonia reading. It's impossible to know what's really going on there. The nitrites are 0, the nitrates 10 ppm. This tank has been established about a year now. I'm fully aware of the nitrogen cycle and know this tank has gone through it. Anyway, the main reason for this post was to bash Amquel, and I lost sight of that briefly.For that I apologize. To all out there interested in keeping their fish healthy- AVOID AMQUEL LIKE YOU WOULD POURING BORIC ACID INTO YOUR TANK. It stinks, literally,and although it might temporarily render the ammonia harmless, it stays in your tank eternally. It's a nasty, nasty chemical, and should be outlawed by anyone that gives so much as one iota about sentient creatures. Go with Prime if it's an emergency!!!!

Oct 28, 2009
Yes, that's what it does, but it's been 2 months now since I've last used it, and it's still reading 8.0 The PH is 7.0. The fish would be dead or dying if it was truly that high. I used ONE DOSE of Amquel and 2 months later I'm still getting false readings. I do water changes in all my tanks the same- a hose hooked up to the kitchen sink. I can fill it and empty it that way. I change roughly 40% of the water every 2 weeks, and never have ammonia issues in any of the other tanks. I suspect that I didn't have enough filtration in the 55, so I bought another filter about a month ago. I have no doubt Amquel does what it says it does,but they also flat out lie when they say it won't stay in your tank very long.In my case, one dose has equaled 8 weeks and counting of it staying in my tank.I am hesitant to change alot of water since I have ammonia in the tapwater, and the fish are doing great right now. I believe there isn't any ammonia at all in the tank, that Amquel is causing the test to read wrong. I use the API master test kit, which I've always found to be accurate, and yes I shake the bottles up enough, even the #2 Nitrate bottle. I find those test strips to be useless. I could stick my finger in the water, then taste it and get a more accurate reading.


Small Fish
Sep 12, 2010
have you tried that ammonia down liquid you can get it from most pet stores and its made by api they are a really good company hope it helps *thumbsups
you're the strips are completely inaccurate or so i think

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