an update with pics


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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For some reason these pictures look fine on my computer...but online at their current size they give me a headache because of their blurriness...I'm sorry in advance
On Saturday I went to my favorite LFS (Aquatouch for those of you in the area) and bought two corals for $9.95 a they are

1) Xenia....its not looking so good...some of its "hands" are turning looked fine in the store, but after a quick acclimation (maybe that's the cause) it didn't look so hot in my tank

2) Candy cane coral...I'm too lazy to look up the scientific name...this is the clearest shot I could get of it

1) my E. divisa (maybe E. paradivisa, but i'm not worried about being scientifically correct at the moment)

2) my S. dura--still hanging on through all of my "learning" experiences and looking happier than ever

3) coralline algae growing on my live looks so much better in real life, but that's the best I've got to show

4) because I'm running skimmerless until Christmas, the algae is rearing its ugly head once again...I'm still fighting it mano a mano though

5) because of having no skimmer, the surface of my tank also has a wonderful film...I'm sure I should be worried about this too


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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yeah i forgot about the full tank shot until it was too late...I might be able to get that after work, if I remember

I had a seaclone that caused too many problems and was a hazard, so I decided to retire it--I'm hoping around Christmas I'll get an AquaC Remora