Some time about a week ago, we noticed some bristlenose fry in a tank that had some Neolamprogis and a breeding pair of bristlenoses we got about a month ago. The fry have both longfin and albino genes. I think the neos got all the albinos from the spawn, though. I think we have about 6 left. The neos have been moved. The fry are about 1/2 long now.
Today while cleaning out our BN "breeding" tank (there hadn't been breeding to date), I was cleaning out the filter pads and found a bunch of fry, and, for some reason, the mother! I hope I didn't spray any babies off into the yard, although there was one on the patio that fell off the filter pad that I managed to save.
We took off the filter, and inside, found a bunch more babies, and a clutch of eggs. I put all the babies I found into a 5g tank that we have running and cycled with a sponge filter. The eggs are still hatching. It looks like we have about 30 fry. I think it may be a mix of albino and regular babies, but I'm not sure if I can really tell yet.
I just thought I'd share.
I'll see if I can get pics, but neither tank is particularly attractive or conducive to photography
Today while cleaning out our BN "breeding" tank (there hadn't been breeding to date), I was cleaning out the filter pads and found a bunch of fry, and, for some reason, the mother! I hope I didn't spray any babies off into the yard, although there was one on the patio that fell off the filter pad that I managed to save.
We took off the filter, and inside, found a bunch more babies, and a clutch of eggs. I put all the babies I found into a 5g tank that we have running and cycled with a sponge filter. The eggs are still hatching. It looks like we have about 30 fry. I think it may be a mix of albino and regular babies, but I'm not sure if I can really tell yet.
I just thought I'd share.
I'll see if I can get pics, but neither tank is particularly attractive or conducive to photography