and my tank is complete, kinda

Sep 4, 2005
Its been cycling for 3 weeks with just 3 fish and the snails in it, and last night it finally looked good on the tests *celebrate . So my 10 gallon tank now has 8 neon tetras, 2 mystery snails, 2 ghost shrimp, and a african dwarf frog. Since i believe it is now fully stocked animal wise *PEACE!* , I need help with the decor. Right now it has 1-2 inches of aquarium rock bedding, about a 5 inch long, 4 inch wide rock cave/coral decor, and a big live plant. With the animals in there what other pieces of decor would help them/look good


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Lancaster, Pa
I'm always a fan of planted / natural tanks, but it's all personal preference really. My first attempt at a planted aquarium was a disaster, but I'm now starting my second try.

Other than adding more plants you might want to consider a small piece of driftwood. Although, I don't know if that would make it too crowded. If you want to stick with rocks and plants maybe throw in some smaller rocks that have a similar look to the large one that's in there currently. Just some thoughts!