Anemone Deal?

Oct 22, 2009
i found this new LFS in my area. He is giving me a deal(i think), 2 baby percula clownfish and 2 anemones for 90$. I dont know if he is a good dealer. what should i be looking for in his store and tanks. what should i look for for healthy anemones/corals and fish?


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
My 2cents worth, sounds like a good deal maybe, what kind of anemones are they and how big? If they are descent size anemones, maybe, depending on the type. I really don't think you need two though no matter what type they are. You don't need two wondering around your tank getting into your corals. One descent size anemone is worth the $90 bu itself.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Personally my opinion is that your tank is really too small for any type of anemone. They can get very very large. I had a bubble tip that was the size of a dinner plate and a long tentacle anemone that was easily as large in a 75g and they were too big for it.

Anemones should be solid colored without any paleness to be considered healthy. Most anemones in the stores are bleached and not good specimens. I have yet to see a healthy sebae anemone is any store. These are sold usually as white anemone. Anemones should not be white. Tank parameters must be pristine and extremely stable. There is also no guarantee that the anemones that you are sold will be hosts for your clowns. Ocellaris and percula clowns naturally host with carpet anemones which are classic fish eaters and get huge, these clowns especially captive bred may or may not ever host in an anemone. Maroon clowns will host in btas but again the maroon clowns are large and somewhat aggressive especially in a tank of your size.

I would pass on the nems and get the clowns.....they will host anything and often will host in frogspawn corals or other soft corals.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Your lighting is insufficient to support these types of anemones. I would definitely pass on them, the clownfish will be fine without an anemone.