Anemone Pic


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
This is a new Rose Anemone that we just got last nite. I put it on top of the rock its under right now. During the nite it moved to the under side of the rock. We have another RA in the tank but its real small, closed up about an inch around. I had to get a bigger one before the clowns killed the small one. I had to put some LR around the small one to get the clowns to leave it and go fine the new one. The new one seems to be doing fine, I feed it two half pieces of silver sides tonight and it ate both pieces.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Thanks for the info on not over feeding, because I would have. One or two times a months thats all, dosn't seem like much. I would have killed it.