Angel Breeding Tank Setup

Sep 28, 2004
Winnipeg, Mb.
Visit site
I have 4 of my 5 Angels who have paired off, (2 pairs). Each pair has layed claim to opposite sides of my 75g. I have had several batchs of eggs from both pair. They have generally lasted 1 - 2 days before completely being eaten.

I am thinking of moving 1 pair into my 30g and seeing if we can progress further. The 30g has been running for quite awhile with the fish listed below. Because of this I really don't want to remove gravel and such. Can I leave anything in my 30 as dither fish or cleanup crew? Specifically the cories and algae eater.

The Tetras are fairly large now and I think can move into the 75g the angels are coming out of. The platys I plan to move in with my guppies in my 10g. This leaves a 5g I can set up, move Guppies maybe?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I have a friend who has 2 - 100g empty and has offered them as a grow out when/if the time comes.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I would say the angels would probably be OK breeding with the cories, but probably not the CAE. You probably already know that the angels get pretty aggressive when they have eggs, so the cories may get beaten up if they get too close. If it's a tall tank, the cories will probably stay away from the angels. I would say your best bet is to have only the angels in the tank.

Our angels are in a similar tank to yours in terms of tankmates, and managed to get the eggs to wiggler stage once. We decided to raise the eggs artificially, as they laid on a slate just before we set up a breeding tank for the pair to mate in. :)

I don't think it's a big problem to have gravel etc. in the breeding tank, although a barebottom is easier to clean.