Angel eggs??

Mar 7, 2008
LI, New York
When I looked into my fish tank this morning, I noticed some eggs on the side of the intake tube on my filter. They are whiteish looking... I know it must be my angelfish laying these eggs because they are guarding them with their lives...(I only have 2 angels in the tank.)
However, I've never been a fish parent before and I have no idea what to do (if anything) with these eggs!!!
Do they have to be moved or anything? Any help is greatly appreciated....


New Fish
Feb 15, 2009
Southern California
I wish I could help but I have a similar problem/question. To expand ...... My female angel lays eggs, male fertilizes, the eggs start off clear then out of approximately 100 laid, about 15 - 20 turn a solid white. Then after two to three days the mother eats the eggs. This has happened on 4 different occasions. What I have also found interesting is these 4 occasions have occurred within 3 - 5 weeks of each other.

Any information would be appreciated.