Angel Fish fry


Small Fish
Jul 30, 2010
My father in law has a pair of angel fish who keep breeding and having fry 1st time the got very territorial and had a hard time keeping other fish away he woke up 1 morning to find them all missing. the 2nd time he had moved all teh other fish out and kept the angel fish on their own fry developed and then seemed to die he seemed to think it was the food he got advice from the lfs. the 3rd time he was all prepared again he got the fry all seemed going well when the parents got spooked when he turned the light on suddenly and the angel fish ate all the fry. He has just got another lot of fry and would love to be successful this time i have suggested to isolate the fry asap in a small tank. is their any other options for him? as he doesn't want to disturb the parents in case they eat the fry again .


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Some parents are just freaky and will constantly turn on their fry. The best guarantee for the fry's survival is to remove them from the parents - once they are free-swimming, the parents have done their job (protecting the eggs from predators, fanning for water circulation and cleaning the eggs of fungus). Otherwise, you can leave the parents to spawn repeatedly and see if they grow into it . . . . No hard and fast rule about how to transform them into better parents, same with us humans ;)