Angel fish Thought

Dec 23, 2005
Well if the angelfish only grows up to 8 inches then that would be 8 gallons used up. If the guppies get to 2 inches thats 12 inches then. The zebra danios(if your following the one inch of fish per gallon rule) could only make it with 4(2 inches each 2x4=8+12=20 inches) But since zebra danios like to be in groups of five or more then you could get five if you do water changes weekly.
*Note if the angel gets up to 5 inch or bigger, watch out as it might go for both the guppies and danios because of the small size*
EDIT: Angelfish, according to the profile here, only get up to 6 inches. So then you have room for another danio. So you could go with your original plan of
1 Angelfish
2 Guppies
5 Zebra Danios

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Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Actually smalltank the inch per gallon rule doesn't apply to angels, or really any other fish besides the small torpedo shaped ones like neons. Fish with taller bodies like angels and goraumis need more gallons per inch of fish.

upnup your stocking looks ok for a 20, just don't be suprised if the gups go missing.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
I have 2 angels and since they were about the size of a quarter. They are now a year old and about 5 inches with out top or bottom fins. I personally don't think a 20g is big enough for 1. It might be ok if it is a 20 high but not a 20 long. I think if I ever moved either of mine into my 20L they would be very unhappy. They like to move not only side to side but up and down the tank as well. I have both of mine in a 29g and am starting to think an upgrade to something bigger might be better for them.

This isn't info I looked up it is just from personal experience.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Well agression won't be much of an issue, what will be an issue is the angel eating your guppies. Getting one that is small may or may not help. I've tried both and it did work on some and didn't matter to others. One of my males who "grew up" with guppies was moved to an all male gup tank cus he was beating the crap out of another angel...He ate every single guppy in that tank.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
One of my males who "grew up" with guppies was moved to an all male gup tank cus he was beating the crap out of another angel...He ate every single guppy in that tank.
Making him a very happy and fat Angel. :p Guess you didn't have to feed him for a little while.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Even if the angel were to leave the guppies alone, you sure wouldn't be getting any breeding done in that tank. Maybe you can do the same idea with a pearl gourami? They are pretty peaceful, but they are also really good fry eaters so not a good choice if you are actively trying to breed guppies.