Angel Fish?

Jan 21, 2007
I am thinking of adding an angel fish in to the mix. I currently have a couple rainbow dwarf gourami, 4 zebras, 2 guppies, and 4 swordtails. How would an angel mix in with those - or would I be better off going with a small school of tetras. I also have a handful of ghost shrimp if that changes the equation any.

Thanks for the help.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Mostly it depends on the size of your tank. Also, I'm not sure whether or not the zebra danios would pester it by nipping at the long fins. It may work though.

Let us know how big the tank is and we'll take it from there.
Oh...also...I'd be willing to bet that the ghost shrimp are likely to be eaten by the angel.


Going by what you already have I would not add in an angel. You could fill out your schools a little more I am thinking, since angels need atleast 25 or so gallons per fish (If I remember correctly I could be wrong)

BV any suggestions?

Tell us a little about how you maintain the tank? How frequently are you doing water changes? Filtration?

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Jan 21, 2007
Right now doing partial water changes (10 gallons) every 7-10 days. Filtration is one of the filters that hangs off the back (charcoal, mesh, bio-fall etc...). Small (3-4") air stone at one end of the tank. A fair bit of fake plants, a tunnel, and a fake old car a pet store had (hollowed out for hiding). Which schools would be the best to add to?

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
I'd go with a smaller angel, and commit to keeping just one...don't add any more later. (you will be tempted to, trust me) :rolleyes:

Remember, the smaller the angel, and the longer it is in your tank and gets accustomed to being around its other tankmates, the less likely it will be to view all of them as food as it gets big enough to eat them.

As long as you don't think you'll get the urge to hurl yourself off of a bridge if/when the angel eats some (if not all) of your shrimp, guppies, and possibly a danio or two, then I'd go for it. ;)


Swords I understand need to have 2 to 3 females per male... So maybe you could go that route? (Not sure what you have)

The Danis I have no clue about so maybe someone else does?

What do you have by way of bottom feeders besides the shrimp? Maybe you could add one of the smaller designer types of plecos or different bottom dwellers.

(Note: All of my fish are small... I have 3 angels in a 29G along with a couple male swords and one DBG They will soon be in a 55G aquarium and the DBG and pleco will also be added into the 55g. The swords... erm... Will either return to the lfs or be put into something elses tank or into a sword only tank. :) )

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Jan 21, 2007
About my bottom feeder. I got screwed on that one by the LFS. I was sold a common pleco. Little did I know until I came on here how big those things would get - he went back. They offered to let me trade it in every so often for a smaller one once it started growing. That would be hassle.

Jan 21, 2007
What about a loach - not a clown, but one of the others that doesn't grow too large? Out of the danios, swordtails, and rainbows - which would be the best group to add to? I really like the swordtails, as I mentioned for the time being they act rather shy and stay real close to the bottom. I have four of them.

Jan 23, 2007
Be careful mixing in the Danio's with your angel. I have seen Danio's nip the Angels tail taking sizable chunks out of it. Given the choice the Danio's would go back to the store before the Angel. Not sure on the swordtails though.