Angel Question


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Has anyone ever had issues with a Coral Beauty being harassed by a yellow tang. The tang was in the tank first. A few months ago I added the coral beauty. All was well but occasionally I would see the tang take a run at the cb. The past few weeks I have noticed cb has been hiding or hanging out in the corners and not swimming around freely as he used to. My tank parameters are sg 1.025 ph 8.3 ca is 430 alk 3.5 temp 80 day 78 night. Nitrates are about 10 phos undetectable. CB shows no sign of disease. I have never actually seen this fish eat but he doesn't look to be starving, I have seen him pick at the rockwork......but he just isn't himself and I wonder about the bullying


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
I would not doubt that the tang is picking on him, while dwarf angels are not agressive, they seem to be a little unaware, and can be pushed around by other fish. I had my goby attack my Eibli's angel, but they eventually worked it out. As long as the CB looks healthy and is not starving that is the important part. Maybe try to rearange some rock work and re-establish territories?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
My rockwork unfortunately isn't able to be rescaped.....all 125lbs of it is a total of 5 pieces each about 25 lbs....he does move around but just around the edges.......and not through out the whole tank like he used to. That tang is a bossy thing that at time I regret adding as he can be very territorial even to some of the other fish in the tank.......