Some of you may have read part one of this dilemma, but it has an update today. I'll repeat some of the history just in case.
Alright, this is kinda weird. I bought 5 koi angels from a reputable breeder on Aquabid. They made the trip well and were placed in my 10g quarantine tank for two weeks. They all did well and were eating/acting normal sometimes a little shy, but otherwise ok.
So last week, they all made the trip downstairs to my 75g planted tank which is to be their permanent home. Two days later, as I was headed out in the early a.m. I noticed one of them stuck to the side of my Koralia and I thought, dang, I lost one. When I came back an hour later, I decided to fish out the "body". I unplugged the pump and the fish swam weakly away. I managed to net it and moved it back to the QT to await the inevitble. Well, a week passed, and the fish did well. Ate/behaved normally. So today at noon, after a big water change in the main tank, I moved it back. As I'm looking at the tank, I notice the same problem fish laying on its side on the substrate. Again, weak, but alive. Again I moved it back to qt.
So I'm confused. Why does this fish do alright in qt, but have near death experiences in the main tank. The only difference I can think of is the CO2 injection in the main tank. I thought maybe that was the culprit the first time, but today it happened mid-day with lights on and plants pearling. All the other fish seem fine, including the other four angels from the same shipment.
Alright, this is kinda weird. I bought 5 koi angels from a reputable breeder on Aquabid. They made the trip well and were placed in my 10g quarantine tank for two weeks. They all did well and were eating/acting normal sometimes a little shy, but otherwise ok.
So last week, they all made the trip downstairs to my 75g planted tank which is to be their permanent home. Two days later, as I was headed out in the early a.m. I noticed one of them stuck to the side of my Koralia and I thought, dang, I lost one. When I came back an hour later, I decided to fish out the "body". I unplugged the pump and the fish swam weakly away. I managed to net it and moved it back to the QT to await the inevitble. Well, a week passed, and the fish did well. Ate/behaved normally. So today at noon, after a big water change in the main tank, I moved it back. As I'm looking at the tank, I notice the same problem fish laying on its side on the substrate. Again, weak, but alive. Again I moved it back to qt.
So I'm confused. Why does this fish do alright in qt, but have near death experiences in the main tank. The only difference I can think of is the CO2 injection in the main tank. I thought maybe that was the culprit the first time, but today it happened mid-day with lights on and plants pearling. All the other fish seem fine, including the other four angels from the same shipment.