Angel Wont eat...


New Fish
Jan 9, 2006
Okay, So I have a new 55 Gal. Tank. When I was little I had a couple of fish bowls, then upgraded to a 10 gal. tank... And had that for a short time. until I bought a new fish and it was sick, and killed all of my other ones. But thats asside from the point. For Xmas this year, I got a 55 Gal. tank. Since it was my first tank in a long time, I decided to set it up as a fresh water.

ph is 7.8, Amonia - 0 ppm, nitrates and nitrites are all @ 0ppm. The water temp is 78 degrees.

I got it all set up and established. and then this week, I went and bought a bala shark, a brown knife, and an angel to start the tank off. The BK is the biggest so the other fish leave him alone. But here is my issue, they are all eating except the Angel. I am feeding them frozen brine shrimp. I de-thaw the cube in a cup of tank water, and then kinda sprinkle it around. The other fish are eating, and it looks like the angel gets all excited but he just swims around and looks at it without eating anything. Any Ideas? Other than that he looks healthy, his fins are not tucked in, no discoloration, or anything.
Thanks, JEM


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
If you've only had him for a few days, he might not realize it's food yet. Give him time, fish can go without food for quite a while, and when he's good and hungry he should give it a try. You could also try offering flake food... it's probably what he's used to.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
I'm with Lotus, Angels can be very picky when acclimating to new surroundings. I've had many do this including an adult I bought go 3 weeks without touching a drop of food. Scared the crap out of me.

Like I posted in your other thread.....What did you do to cycle this tank? With angels that could be another issue in of itself.