Angelfish and Neons


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Brisbane, Australia
Ok...I know everyone says you shouldn't put angelfish with neons because its their natural food supply in the wild but I wanted to know what people's experience was with this.

I have had my neons for about 2 months now along with gourami's, rams, head and tail lights and catfish. The neons are over 1" now, would it be alright if I bought baby angelfish, and raised them with the smaller fish???


I've asked this exact same question to two different people at my LFS and they both had the same response...

They said that if the Neon's are already in the tank when you introduce the angel's into the tank, they will be fine. Any Neon's you add after they are in there though will become lunch.

I've never tried it though.

Methinks they'll get eaten

Seems risky to me. The only reason I could see that new neons would get eaten but not old ones is that old ones know where to hide in the tank. I think that once your angels get big enough they will eat the neons without regard to who was in the tank first. Even if the neons don't get eaten immediatly they will probably end up out of site hiding from fish they preceive as a threat. Then again I've got discus larger than angelfish and my neon and cardinals are fine with them, they haven't chased them at all however. I guess the worst that can happen is that you lose all your neons and the angels get an expensive treat, and it sounds like you want to move on to "better" things anyhow.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Brisbane, Australia
Well I bought the angelfish, they are soooo cute. I have 2 white ones and 2 marble ones. The neons are about the size of the angelfish's bodies.

The neons are doing good. I thought they would be ok because I have 3 gourami's in there and they range from 3" to 3.5". I'm not really worried if the neons do get eaten, but I would like it if they survived.

So please survive neons. Lol


Small Fish
Dec 4, 2002
I wish I had seen this post before ...

We were in the LFS buying rocks for my new 72-gallon and my wife saw the neons.

The owner told her that he wasn't sure that they would make it with the Koi Angels we have in the 29-gallon (6 of them in the 1" size).

Brought home 11 new Neons and placed them in the tank.

I had to run to a party so I didn't see what happened.

We got home after the fish had been in the tank for 8 hours and five were dead. Two were having trouble swimming. We took them out and placed them in a Jar for the night. Two fish died in the nighttime, so we had four left. She is on the way as I write this to return the four Neons.

Bottom line, she is not happy with the "fish tanks" again.


Small Fish
Dec 4, 2002
Mostly nibbles I guess, I didn't see the carnage just the results. The bodies were still there but they were floating all over the tank. My wife said that she saw an Angel kill one fish. I will have to ask her for more details.
She is not taking it too well; it's all she is talking about now. How she massacred 11 fish. She dropped the last of them off at the fish store, but from the sounds of it, with the store saying, "they’re not going to make it", I would guess they would be fish food today.


Small Fish
Dec 4, 2002
I can say this the strongest Neon is the one that she saw get hit by the Angel. She said all the Neons were cowering in the corner except for what appeared to be the biggest and strongest Neon. He was swimming with all the Angels, Tetras and the Platys.
Maybe, it was a little bit of both aspects. I think your right about the tank not being compatible with the Neons. I remember now that the LFS owner told me to get the Neons home fast.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
I've never had any problems keeping neons with angels.
Neons are highly sensitive fish, and if they are not acclimated properly, they will die. Another thing to consider when keeping neons or other small fish with angels is that the angels tend to be a little on the territorial side, especially if they have already established a territory. They are cichlids after all. Much of it depends on the size and temperment of the cichlid. I would definitely not put a wild caught angel with neons.

For most fish, if the predator grows up with the prey, then there aren't many problems.

Antsinger: Is your *new* 72 gallon cycled? Neons are highly senitive to water conditions. Are you sure your angel ate them? Keep in mind, when there is a sick fish, he will get picked on. That's just nature.


Small Fish
Dec 4, 2002
Avalon, the Neon / Angel fiasaco was in my 5 month old 29-gallon. I have Gourami's in the 72 right now setting up the water, with some help from my 29-gallon's filter media.

I don't think my wife will want anymore Neons as it stands right now.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Brisbane, Australia
Update on my neon and agel fish situation. All neons are alive and well. The angels are bigger now...a lot bigger than the neons :) but the angels dont even seem phased by their presence.

So I guess its down to every individual tank as to whether or not they survive.

Jul 8, 2003
New Jersey
I haven't put my Marble into my 26 gall tank along with 2 dwarf gouramis. Do you think adding three new angels after the marble is introduced into the new tank a day or so after will promote them to fight? Also with neons I thought my Angel wasn't that violent but I saw him eat the neon. It was disgusting. There were some chunks of organs or flesh floating around.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Brisbane, Australia
Well....about 8 months later the Angels are HUGE......and I didn't have a single neon die.

I generally think that if the Angels are well enough fed, they shouldn't bother the neons. That's my experience anway.