Angelfish and riccia?


Large Fish
Jun 8, 2003
Hi All,
I finally found some riccia today so i grafted some for my riccia garden and left the rest floating. Now my Angelfish instanly started sucking and spitting the riccia, so its gone from a nice matted clump to be a mess at the top of my tank. So i collected it all up and contained it to one corner of the tank (put a tube barier up to stop it drifting). Is this normal for Angelfish to do this. - They still eat flake food and every so and so they swim around the tank but they always go back to the riccia and start there sucking and spitting.

Also got my female Krib today I got a nice big one cost me $8.50 instead of $6 my male instantly coloured up. And started his mating dance.

And another thing. I got some algea pellets for my catfish but as soon as i drop it in the other fish eat it up before the catfish get to it. How can i stop this.

Yet another question- I saw a jumbo bristlenose catfish today and it was huge i would say about 8", I have bristlenose catfish is there a difference between jumbo and bristlenose. When i did resaerch on it they say the bristlenose will grow to about 3-4" thats why i got it i dont want a 8" fish in my tank.

cheers aron.

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On the algae pellet question, throw em in there at night (assuming your catfish are nocturnal) after the lights are out.

I've seen some pretty massive bristlenose before too so I would say they top out in size at at least 9 inches or so rather than 4. I have also seen dwarf bristlenose being sold on aquabid but I don't know if it is a marketing scheme, the same fish, or truly a smaller bristlenose. You might want to do some research.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yes, my angelfish poke around in floating plants all the time.

I've never seen an 8 inch bristenose - I though they topped out at 4 -5 (min have), but there's an awful lot of different fish from the species Ancistrus sold as bristlenoses, so it's possible. Did they actually have bristly noses?