Angelfish fin rot Melafix Questions


Medium Fish
Feb 2, 2008
Cayucos Beach, California
My Albino angelfish has been the quieter of my two angelfish. I have noticed she is getting fin and tail rot. I do have an aggressive molly but have never seen it nipping so I think it might be something else. I got some melafix tonight but am a little scared to add it to my tank. My tank have been cycled from since the beginning of April. Only took 9 weeks. None of my other fish have this problem. Also in addition to the fin rot one of her ventral fins looks to be skinnier than the other.

I know I will treat my tank with the melafix but can someone explain about removing the carbon from my filter. Do I leave it out for days? How long? What do I watch for. Will the treatment hurt my pleco. My Danios have a good slime coat going on. My ghost cats seem good. My molly is fine too!

I guess I just want reassurance it wont hurt my fish. I have a 36 gallon tank with 17 fish. I recently added a plant then removed it when it was not getting enough light. I also think my angel was undereating. I got some frozen brine shrimp tonight and she ate good. Unfortunately my danios all look pregnant now!

Dec 20, 2007
North Lousiana
If it is true fin rot Melafix won't help it at all. At least it never helped mine. Try a combo of Mela and Pimafix (Pimafix is a little stronger I think). Yes, remove your carbon for the entire treatment because the carbon takes the med right out of the water over time. I think the treatment should last about 4 days but it's been awhile since I used either meds. The directions on the bottle should tell you how long. Your water will start getting cloudy looking during treatment and as far as I know this is normal. Neither of these meds should affect your good bacteria you just gained through cycling.

I don't *think* these meds will hurt any of your fish but I'm not sure. Wait for some more responses. Someone correct me if I've given wrong info.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Fin rot can happen with poor water conditions. Since your tank is heavily loaded, you may have water condition problems. The easiest way to fix fin rot is more water changes and lighter stocking. Melafix may help and won't harm anything if you want to give it a try. I would take a complete reading of your water parameters, maybe even get them tested at your LFS to double check, something must be up with your water.


Medium Fish
Feb 2, 2008
Cayucos Beach, California
My levels are 0 for nitrites and about 10 for nitrates. when it goes above 10 I do a major water change. Right now I am doing about a 25% water change twice a week. All my other fish seem fine. Maybe its that Mollie but I have not seen it be as agressive as it was when I first introduced it.


Medium Fish
Feb 2, 2008
Cayucos Beach, California
Melafix was great. It really helped my angelfish. All my other fish are fine...I have the perfect combination. No more fish. My albino is the weaker of the two angelfish i have. she does not eat as much as the other and is puny compared to my marble. He is aggressive (eating only) she is timid. I try to feed her away from the others but her fins are looking great since the treatment. thanks for all your help