Hey everybody, I've been watching my angelfish for a few days now, and lately, he seems to be staying in the same place, and in the same pose?! He looks like he's been pondering on a question that cannot be answered! Could there be anything wrong with him? Thanx in advance for any help!
Ooh, looking at him now, he's moving around..but, he's got this string-like thing on his fins that have bubbles on them?!
oh, BTW, the water levels are
hehe, He is looking better today, and the bubbles are gone..maybe I was over reacting! he lives with fancy guppies, but he doesn't try to chase them or anything.
I would keep an eye on him/her anyway, just in case. I think angels get a little less active as they age. If it's still young, it should at least be going after food pretty readily.
hehe, that's funny! The "bored angelfish" I have is getting fat too! he's one of my biggest fish. He's acting better now, still looking very thoughtful tho.crazy fish!