angelfish oddity...

Oct 22, 2002
Irvine, CA
I have two angelfish, 1 gold one and one black n white one...

now the black n white one has been in there for 2 months, and is smaller than the gold on which i added in 2 weeks ago...

black n white is REALLY friendly and follows me along the glass, [pokes around the tank, swims freely and carefree. Goldie is a bit more shy and hangs out in the plants or behind the rocks.


recently, goldie has been spending time in the upper corner of the tank, and not leaving, unless i touch the fish, then it hurredly swims away, and returns to the same exact spot (upper corner).

It's not aggression, because no one in the tank attacks each other

it's not current, because the other angelfish is fine with the filters

i dont think its sickness, because i just treated the tank for ick (a corydoras had it, and has since been cured)...

any ideas on what is happening to the poor angelfish, or what i should do for it. It just doesn't seem happy.

thanks for the help!


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
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It is either aggression or illness....staying in the top corner is not normal behavior for angels.

My guess is illness as the fish only moves when you touch it. Check to see if the fish is breathing rapidly or only with one gill (the other is clamped shut), look for further signs of ich, check for ragged fins, any fuzzyness on the body or fins, or maybe the body is bloated, how is the color, etc.......
Is the fish still eating?