Angelfish stop eating


Small Fish
Jan 2, 2003
Canada/Hong Kong
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Angelfish *mother* stop eating (updated), still not eating after eggs layed

One of my angelfish (around 9 months old, black/gold in color, about the size of a computer mice), has stop eating since my last water change a week ago. It doesn't appear to be sick, but it doesn't seem to have much interest on the tropical flakes that I have been giving him. I waved my finger in front of the tank and it chased my finger with curiosity. He used to be a heavy eater, he eats the most flakes out of all fishes, but now he rarely eats at all.

During the morning feeding he doesn't touch the food even when it is in front of him, at the evening feeding, he just swallow a few flakes that have floated/sinked near him.

What could be wrong?

edit: **see post 7 for update**

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Small Fish
Aug 3, 2005
did u add any things that might change the water parameters?try feeding ur angelfish with bloodworms...i think it might help...if it doesnt...something is wrong


Small Fish
Jan 2, 2003
Canada/Hong Kong
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Update: it has been 2 weeks and my angelfish still hasn't eaten anything (at least in front of me).

The fish is still well and alive. When I pour in the flakes, he looks up curiously at the floating objects, then continue doing his own thing and ignoring the food.

I have tried flakes of assorted brands, dried shrimps and even those little pellets I give to African Dwarf Frogs. It seems like he has lost interest on all food.

This is very odd b/c I would suspect a sick fish to be dead after 2 weeks. This fish doesn't seem sick at all. From the fins to the skin to movement and social interactions , there is no indication of stress or sickness.

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Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
fish can get bored with the same food, but it sounds like you've already tried quite a variety with him. the only other thing i can recommend is live bloodworms, maybe giving him something to 'hunt' will give him more interest in his food.


Small Fish
Jan 2, 2003
Canada/Hong Kong
Visit site
This morning when I woke up, I found some eggs on the tube. I also see the angelfish that didn't eat chasing the small fishes that tried to get near it.

I guess the mother was just not in the mood of eating. However, the mother is still not interested in eating.

Now this also comes to a totally different question. What do I do with the eggs?

The father doesn't seem to care, but the mother is fighting the danios that are trying to get near it. Should I buy a separator to separate the danios and/or the dad?

Should I add water evaporated from the tank?

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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
It's fairly normal for them not to eat much when they're guarding eggs. It's up to you whether you want to try to raise the eggs or see what happens. Be warned, angels with eggs can kill other fish. A divider would work. If the father isn't helping with the eggs, just separate the mother and the eggs.

Yes, you can add new water to replace the water that has evaporated.