angelfish tank?

Dec 11, 2004
Pompano Beach, FL
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how many angelfish can i fit nicely in a 55 gal tank, and my ph is about 7.7 will that be okay? any one please, i got two cycled and one i would like to put maybe tigers and some other fish and in the other tank angelfish

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New Fish
Apr 8, 2005
fishtankmaster5 said:
how many angelfish can i fit nicely in a 55 gal tank, and my ph is about 7.7 will that be okay? any one please, i got two cycled and one i would like to put maybe tigers and some other fish and in the other tank angelfish
i have 9 in a 60 gallon tank with a 6.5 ph and thay are breeding like guppys,but i must say its heavly planted,thay need cover and the same tem as discus. i will take a few digical pics of my 3/ 6 foot tanks if eny one wants to see them.celebrate *GOLDFISH* *thumbsups

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I think the rule on angels is 10 gallons per angel so it should be around 5 for your tank and u could probably stuff like 5 little fish in there but i would get some fast swimming ones cause angels are agressive and nothing too small casue they get picked on by the angels especially when the angels pair off and claim their own property

Mar 8, 2005
No bad idea w/ fast swimming fish and angels. The angels can be skittish w/ fast fish. In a 55 you could do a good 5 angels in there IMO. Make sure what ever you do though if you get angels keep that ph down! A good 6.5-6.5 will make the angels more at home. And plants plants and more plants. This will make the angels more secure and willing to come out of hiding.

ya 8 angels will be pushing it you could probably do 6 angels, the angel's natural habitat is slightly acidic water like 6.5 which is what culinaryartcook said. On the plants u want tall big leaf plants like swords with a sorta slant in their leaves cause i read somewhere that angels lay their eggs on amazon swords or something in the wild cause of the perfect angel and the big leaves. If you really wanna do 8 angels i think cleaning the tank more often is a must cause then the angels feel like they have a bigger space and new territory, good luck on the angels, cant wait till i get my angel tank going =)


Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
Your tap water is fine!!! Do not lower it. Angel fish are raised commercially in tap water. You probably weren't planning on wild caught altums were you? If you are talking about standard tank raised angels 7.2 will be more than low enough to keep them. I bet they will probably even breed in that tank if other conditions are met. If you tinker with your ph now you will constantly have to mess with it to get the levels right. I would highly recommend leaving yor ph untouched. Many breeders breed angels in tap water with higher ph than 7.2.